A Murder of Crows
looms ominously above the corpse of New York City.
The image on the right depicts the investigation phase, where Crowley must collect clues, gather information, and interrogate suspects. Whenever you get a new piece of information, it is added into your notebook. I implemented the notebook’s UI and ping system, which is called every time Crowley learns something that pertains to the investigation.
There’s so much more of the game that I want to show right now, but we’re working hard on finishing it. We’re doing daily scrum, weeklong sprints, the whole shebang. It’s actually quite fun and I can’t wait to finish this baby. I’m just so excited!
Well, until December, friends!
This game is being made with Team Birds of a Feather: Grace Carter, Madeline Fisher, Noah Galloso, Colin Pool, Ian Thorne, and Matthew Umana. They’re a great bunch to work with, all exceptionally talented, all gonna do some pretty awesome things in the future.
UPDATE: A Murder of Crows is here! Check out the link below to play it for free! I ended up doing lots of character art and animation, but also implementing some UI, and even setting up a little debugger tool for my team.