Mrs. Fantastic’s Freaky Figurine Shop
is open for business.
“Mrs. Fantastic’s” follows a trio of children who wander into a witch’s toy shop. They are turned into little toys, and must traverse a series of environmental puzzles in order to escape. I LOVED working on this game. It’s incredibly cute, my team was great, and I’m really proud of the work I did on it.
The majority of my work is a little less obvious from looking at these screenshots. I took care of the vast majority of art asset importing, taking the 3D models from the artists and implementing them into prefabs, the animation state machine hooked up, toon shaded and ready for the programmers to use. I also implemented 2D sprites into bouncy, juicy UI and animated the cutscenes coming in and out.
The game is pretty forgiving, since it encourages a trial-and-error approach from the player. If the player messes up, the action is instantly undoable with a button. I implemented the rewind effect shown above, which is achieved by playing a video clip with lowered transparency over the camera.
I also created the dialogue bubbles used by the rubber ducks, which usually contain important onboarding information for the player. A public string allows the designer to type in the desired text right from Unity’s interface, and a box trigger senses when the player is near, so that the speech bubble may animate in and out.
The script that handles loading levels allows the player to proceed smoothly with fade transition while the next level boots up. This prevents the screen from jumping to the next scene in a jarring manner.
This game was made in about three months with Caden Harman, Julian DeLaRosa, Vera Pei, Madison Ward, Matthew Whorton, Osvaldo Jimenez, Skylore Evans, and Zachary Yarbrough under the guidance of Paul Toprac Audrey Stein, and Noah Galloso fully online in the midst of a global pandemic and the Texas snow storm. A lot of hearts were put into this project, and I think it’s pretty great.
Also, as a bonus, I also made the trailer below!
Mrs. Fantastic’s Freaky Figurine Shop is planned to come out on Steam in the next couple months, so look out for that too!